TestmanagementChanging the world one bug after amother…

Methods and Procedures

Most test projects are carried out classically.
These are particularly suitable for large and established organizations and processes.
The basic models most used are Allgemeines Vorgehensmodell, V-Modell XT, Wasserfallmodell, and W-Modell.
The classical method usually takes several months to complete the entire concept, development, and testing process.

The advantages of this method are rehearsed, proven, and quality assured processes.

The disadvantages are the long duration, and the fact that requirements may change during this timely process.

This means that, in an extreme case, there may be a delivery arriving which in the meantime has become obsolete.

Another alternative to the above is, for example, RUP.

In the Scrum process, disadvantages of the classical method can be avoided. The agile approach provides the customer with shippable increments, in monthly Sprints, which have been produced.

In the Scrum-Process the customer receives what he has ordered.

In monthly
Sprints artifacts are delivered.

The customer is an integral part of the team in order to ensure that the artifact is optimized to meet his specific needs.

Scrum is applied for terms like Burndown-Chart, Retrospective, Timeboxing, User-Story, and Planning Poker.

In Scrum projects, there is a classical approach for different processes.

Initially, however, an organization must be prepared for the agile method.

The development team consists of up to nine developers. This Team is enhanced by the Scrum Master and
Product Owner.

The function of the Test Manager is still necessary to the team.

Further methods and procedures in the agile world are, for example, Kanban and XP.

We are active in both worlds, Classical and Agile.
Regarding the customer, we are partners when it comes to the project.
We advise customers in decision making and support the implementation of either method.
Especially important, relevant success factors are:
  • Usage of Best-Practices
  • Frequent contact and good communication with customers
  • Integration of developers
  • Prioritizing tasks
  • Iterative process and timeboxing
  • Increased transparency
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